PDN Delegate Election FAQ’s

What is this election?

The California Democratic Party holds the ADEMs (Assembly District Election Meetings) every two years to elect one-third of the party Central Committee. Along with the other delegates (appointed by county committees and office-holders), they make election endorsements (candidates and ballot measures), choose party leaders, pass resolutions and update the party platform. For example, when you see a mailer that says “Aisha Wahab is endorsed for state Senate by the California Democratic Party,” it is the locally elected delegates that made that decision. The same applies for governor and other statewide officers, state legislators and candidates for Congress.

Why should I vote in the ADEM election?

Look, if you want politics to continue to be controlled by corporate money, then do nothing. BUT if you want grassroots changemakers to fight inside the party against the power of fossil fuel, big pharma and developer cash, then we need to elect progressive delegates who will advocate for our working-class communities.

That’s great but who are you all, really?

We are educators, healthcare workers, civil rights leaders, union members, immigrants from every part of the globe and everyday folks who are tired of seeing our Democratic leaders fail to act in the way most Democrats want. To see our full platform, click here

Once elected, we will support candidates, ballot measures, resolutions and platform changes that: 

  • Champion policies that enable all working-class people to thrive and build power;
  • Demand justice for Palestine and all oppressed people;
  • Work to get big money out of politics and further democracy in the party.

Alright, I’m convinced, what do I do next?

Only registered Democrats can vote in the ADEM elections. But you can register or re-register up to the minute you vote, including in person at the ADEM vote centers on Feb. 22 and 23. (The sooner the better, however.) If you are not sure whether you are registered as a Democrat, check your registration at vote.ca.gov.

If you have registered to vote online

  1. Check your email and/or physical mail for your ADEM PIN and Password. You’ll have until 6pm on February 23 to submit your ballot online at www.cadem.org/ademballot.
  2. Your PDN-endorsed candidates are listed here.
  3. Vote for each of the endorsed candidates in your AD but:
    • DO NOT vote for more than 14 candidates.
    • DO NOT vote for non-PDN-endorsed candidates.

In-person Voting Option

If you missed the January 31 deadline for requesting an electronic ballot, you’ll still be able to register to vote in person by going to ademelections.com. Note that there are only about 40 in-person ADEM voting locations in the state, each of them will only be open for four hours on either 2/22 or 2/23.

Questions? Please contact us at pdn.vote.win@gmail.com